Chicas En Foz Do Iguacu Weather July
Explore patricia meitin's board "Cataratas del Iguazu, Argentina" on Pinterest. hotel san martin, foz do iguazu. Find this Pin and more on Cataratas del Iguazu. Climate: Humid subtropical with no dry season. - Average annual temperature 21 ° C. Abundant rainfall in spring and summer: 1, mm . Argentina with Foz do Iguacu - Brazil. no rio Iguaçu une .. industrias chicas, que producen tablas y. Body temperatures and diel pattern were similar for both species. Body temperatures . Biweekly samplings were carried out from April to June We determined .. O evento ocorreu em Foz do Iguaçu, de 24 a 28 de agosto de which the hose is installed and in which it will be used. hosemaster. trabajo, una corona acrílica temporal será instalada encima de la muela. Nota: seleccione una región antes de buscar un país. Foz do Iguaçu Weather. Síganos en Mapa del tiempo de Foz do Iguaçu - Lugares cercanos. +-. Abril Building climate-resilient development in the Parana basin. (Paraguay), Foz de Iguaçu (Brasil) y Puerto Iguazú (Argentina). El proyecto.
Concretions are hard in hand specimens and occur within the matrix; segregations are soft in hand specimens and they appear in thin sections as impregnations of the matrix with diffuse boundaries.
They appear as mottles in the field. Soil textural class is clay.
Fine clay markedly predominates over coarse clay. Soils are illitic Chicas en foz do iguacu weather july. El Estornino Pinto Sturnus vulgaris es un ave introducida en Argentina que establece dormideros comunales durante la época no reproductiva. En este trabajo se caracterizaron los dormideros comunales del Estornino Pinto en la ciudad de La Plata con el objetivo de evaluar la selección del sitio de dormidero por parte de la especie.
Se encontró un total de 34 dormide Biological agents, such as fungal spores in the air in places where scientific collections are stored, can attack and deteriorate them. The aim of this study was to gather information on the indoor air quality of the Herbarium of Vascular Plants of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La PlataArgentinain relation to fungal propagules and inert particles.
This study was made using a volumetric system and two complementary sampling methods: 1 a non-viable method for direct evaluation, and 2 a viable method by culture for viable fungal propagules. The non-viable method led to ten spore morphotypes being found from related fungal sources.
A total of The viable method led to the finding of nine fungal taxa as viable spores that mostly belonged to anamorphic forms of Ascomycota, although the pigmented yeast Rhodotorula F. Harrison Basidiomycota was also found. Both the non-viable and viable sampling methods were necessary to monitor the bio-aerosol load in the La Plata Herbarium. Publicado por Elsevier España, S. Programas de salud sexual y reproductiva y maternidad adolescente en La Plata Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For this purpose, we analyze national health programs, of Buenos Aires province chicas en foz do iguacu weather july the municipality of La Plata as well as speeches made in interviews to chicas en foz do iguacu weather july teens in poor neighborhoods of the city of La Plata.
The analysis of the program explores the incorporation of gender and political interpretation of the problems of sexuality and reproduction of adolescents in the context of human rights and the opinions of the informants explores the interpellation.
Concentrations of 21 Pb and Cs in sediment samples collected from two cores at a drainage channel to the La Plata river estuary in Buenos Aires, Argentinawere measured using ultralow-background detection systems. The 21 Pb data were used to determine the rate of sediment accumulation of the sites.
These results were correlated with some heavy metal chromium and lead concentrations of the samples in an attempt to characterize the historical input of contaminants due to the industrial development, which has taken place in this area over the last century. The Cs measurements demonstrate that cesium dating is not adequate in regions of the southern hemisphere. Full Text Available El cambio tecnológico es central en una estrategia de desarrolloeconómico endógeno, y su abordaje exitoso por partede las empresas requiere de un entorno a partir del que sepromueva y acompañe dicho proceso.
El objetivo del estudioes comprender, desde una óptica territorial, la conducta innovadorade empresas industriales. Para ello se analiza el caso decuatro PYMES en segmentos con alto potencial de crecimientoeconómico de la ciudad de Mar del Plata Argentina en el períodopost-convertibilidad.
ABSTRACT Technological changes are paramount for an endogenous economicdevelopment programs, and require that companies developingit operate in an environment promoting and nurturing suchprograms. To thatend we analyzed four SMEs operating, in a high economic growthsegment after the conversion period in Mar del PlataArgentina.
It was deduced that said companies possess an innovative profile even despite the fact that the local innovation support system isnot fully consolidated, lack personnel with the appropriate knowledgeto pursue technological changes, and there are mismatchesbetween the private and public sectors. La cultura estival de la playa la ha hecho evolucionar desde un turismo elitista hacia un turismo de masas, impulsando el desarrollo de espacios y estructuras destinadas a alojamiento y ocio para cerca de 3 millones de personas cada año.
La crisis social, económica y política que atraviesa Argentina crea condiciones poco favorables para la actividad turística y ensombrece el futuro de Mar del Plata. Distribución espacial de las parasitosis intestinales en la ciudad de La PlataArgentina. Se completó una encuesta epidemiológica y se tomaron muestras seriadas de materia fecal, analizadas por la chicas en foz do iguacu weather july de Ritchie. Se calcularon niveles de precariedad y vulnerabilidad Iv, y se compararon con los resultados parasitológicos.
Se analizaron parasitológica y ambientalmente personas, de las cuales Identification of palaeo-seawater intrusion in groundwater using minor ions in a semi-confined aquifer of the Río de la Plata littoral Argentina. The hydrochemistry of minor elements and traces such as bromide, lithium, strontium, uranium and selenium, together with the chemical analysis of major ions, has been used in the study of salinization process.
This process occurs in a semi-confined aquifer that corresponds to a Pliocene—Pleistocene fluvial environment. The semi-confined aquifer is located in the littoral of the cities of Ensenada and Berisso, in the region of the middle Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina.
Groundwater salinization was chicas en foz do iguacu weather july in the semi-confined aquifer in the coastal plain area, with salt contents that increase from the loess plain towards the river. In the salinized area, Li, Sr and Se enrichments occur, and are used as tracers of the average time that a substance remains in solution in sea water in the aquifer.
The study of such minor ions together with the geological evolution of the area made it possible to recognize that the salt water in the semi-confined aquifer corresponds to chicas en foz do iguacu weather july palaeo-intrusion of sea water associated with the Pleistocene—Holocene ingressions caused by the climate changes occurring during the Quaternary. Santucci, L. En esta contribución se listan los ejemplares tipo de Anfibios y Reptiles depositados en la colección herpetológica del Museo de La Plata.
El material tipo depositado corresponde a 32 especies descriptas desde hasta la actualidad, incluyendo: 14 holotipos, paratipos, 4 lectotipos, 22 paralectotipos, 1 neotipo y 12 sintipos sin incluir los ejemplares extraviados. Se proporciona, para cada taxón, la información completa referida a estatus de cada ejemplar tipo, sexo, datos de recolección y modificaciones taxonómicas posteriores.
In this paper the type specimens of Amphibia and Reptilia housed in the collection of the Herpetology Section at the La Plata Museum are listed. These type materials correspondto 32 species described since until nowadays, and include: 14 holotypes, paratypes, 4 lectotypes, 22 paralectotypes, 1 neotype and 12 sintypes this list does not include lost specimens. Complete data about taxonomic status, sex, collection data, and subsequent taxonomic changes are given for each taxon.
Urban transformations in the district of La Plata since the nineties. A compact or a diffuse city model? Full Text Available In the last decade several studies done on the transformation of the city from compact to more scattered and fragmented have shown the concern for the effects the open and scattered city may have upon the environment.
Although we consider that the urban models, "compact" and "diffuse", actually cannot be found in isolation, they are used to represent the extremes that relate the model of our city with these two models.
The purpose of the present paper is to recognize in La Plata District, the behavioral pattern variable that causes the territorial conflicts in each of the models. Arquitectura de sitios Web de bibliotecas universitarias: el sistema de bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de La PlataArgentina. Se analizaron 17 bibliotecas y se aplicó una grilla para recabar 10 aspectos relevantes. Los resultados fueron: 1.
Etiquetado de contenidos: terminología simple, sin jergas; no hay homogeneidad entre las bibliotecas. Sindicación de contenidos RSS: 3 sitios. Accesibilidad Web: 1 sitio. Otras observaciones: ninguna. Se concluye que el desarrollo de los sitios es dispar y se recomienda considerar pautas de AI como parte de la cooperación en la red de bibliotecas de la UNLP. Determination of risk indices in quarries of two basins in La Plata Municipality Argentina.
Soil extraction is one of the main causes of degradation of this resource in Buenos Aires province. In La Plata municipality, soil is extracted at different depths for a variety of uses. Deep soil extraction creates quarries which have a negative impact on the environment, the landscape, the real estate value and life quality.
The inundated quarries become precarious swimming places where many people have drowned. When the quarries are used as garbage dumps, they can concentrate disease vectors or pollute groundwater through their leachates. The chicas en foz do iguacu weather july are often near vertical and can be susceptible to collapse. The methodology to calculate the risk index is based on the hypothesis that risk variables can be identified, individually assessed and combined in such a way that they would provide a numerical value reflecting the likelihood of accidents or diseases occurring as a consequence of quarry's presence.
The general objective of the project is to obtain an index for the quarries of the studied basins aimed at warning local authorities and affected persons about the sites where protection and reclamation measures are more urgently needed.
The values obtained are represented on a map showing the risk class of each quarry. It is concluded that the methodology is useful to determine priorities and can prove a good management tool for those involved in this problem [es.
Oil spill in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina : 2-hydrocarbon disappearance rates in sediments and soils. The 6-month assessment of the oil spill impact in the Rio de la Plata described in the preceding paper [Colombo, J. Oil spill in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina : 1 - biogeochemical assessment of waters, sediments, soils and biota. Environmental Pollution] was followed by a and month campaigns to evaluate the progress of hydrocarbon decay.
Individual aliphatic rate constants decrease with increasing molecular weight from 0. Aromatics disappearance rates were more homogeneous with higher values for methylated relative to unsubstituted species 0.
Continued hydrocarbon inputs, either from biogenic algal n-C15,17; vascular plant n-C27,29 or combustion related sources fluoranthene and pyreneappear to contribute to reduced disappearance rate. According to the different loss rates, hydrocarbons showed clear compositional changes from to 42 months. La pesca artesanal en la Cuenca del Plata Argentina y sus implicancias en la conservación de la biodiversidad Artisanal fish at del Plata basin Argentina and its implications for the biodiversity conservation.
Las exportaciones pesqueras muestran un incremento sumamente importante con un total de Los países de destino de los productos pesqueros son Brasil, Colombia, Bolivia chicas en foz do iguacu weather july Nigeria, entre otros.
Realiza una revisión crítica de la literatura que asume un enfoque narrativo y entiende el indie como género musical asociado a la juventud de las clases medias.
En este contexto, el artículo interroga los enfo An avant-garde professorship of neurobiology in education: Christofredo Jakob and the s lead of the National University of La PlataArgentina. The interdisciplinary trend in "Mind, Brain, and Education" has witnessed dynamic international growth in recent years.
Yet, it remains little known that the National University of La Plata in Argentina probably holds the historical precedent as the world's first institution of higher education that formally included neurobiology in the curriculum of an educational department, having done so as early as The responsibility of teaching neurobiology to educators was assigned to Professor Christofredo Jakob In the present article, we highlight Jakob's emphasis on interdisciplinarity and, in particular, on the neuroscientific foundations of education, including special education.
Madres 'desincrustadas'. El uso de Internet y la compra de juguetes en la maternidad del nuevo milenio en La PlataArgentina. El objetivo del texto es analizar las formas en que se reflejan los cambios sociales vinculados con la modernidad "tard?? Para ello, se realizaron 30 entrevistas en profundidad a madres de dos generacionales y de nivel socioecon?? Dentro de los principales hallazgos, se menciona la persistencia de un modelo tradicional de distribuci??
Based on the aeromycological analysis of La Plata citychicas en foz do iguacu weather july Morphological Groups of fungal spores were defined. This study is a methodological contribution to the identification and counting of a fraction of the atmospheric micobiota.
For the definition of groups, the criteria of Saccardo were taken into account and the groupings created by Díaz et al. Four new groups have been created and other sporal types have be What is left behind when the lights go off?
Comparing the abundance and composition of litter in urban areas with different intensity of nightlife use in Mar del PlataArgentina.
Nightlife activities represents an important source of urban litter; the latter often being left behind or abandoned in public places and streets. Mar del Plata is a very important city on the Atlantic coast of Argentina and is the main tourism destination in the South Atlantic region of South America. However, chicas en foz do iguacu weather july studies on urban litter related to nightlife activities have been conducted in the area.
Here we assessed i the abundance and composition of litter, and ii the spatial and temporal variations of its abundance, diversity, richness and evenness in urbanized areas with different intensity of nightlife activities from April to March An overall of 13, items were counted. We found significant spatial differences in the abundance of litter between sampling sites, with the greatest amounts of litter chicas en foz do iguacu weather july the Alem site followed by the Hipólito site both with an intensive nightlife activity compared with the Chauvin site a quiet chicas en foz do iguacu weather july neighborhood.
The composition of litter of the Alem and the Hipólito sites was relatively similar and both sites differ with respect to the Chauvin site. Cigarette butts, papers, and plastics were the items that contributed most to the dissimilarity between sampling sites.
The diversity of litter was the single community parameter that significantly differed from the other seasons. We discussed the potential effect of nightlife activities on the amounts and quality of urban litter in the city of Mar del Plata.
Estado nutricional y composición corporal de niños pobres residentes en barrios periféricos de La PlataArgentina Nutritional status and body composition of poor children in the outlying neighborhoods of La PlataArgentina.
MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal entre abril y noviembre de con niños y niñas sanos de 1 a 11 años de edad que asistían a dos comedores barriales ubicados en la periferia de la ciudad de La PlataArgentina. Los datos se transformaron a puntuaciones z. La elevada prevalencia chicas en foz do iguacu weather july retraso en el crecimiento talla baja para la edad y desnutrición global peso bajo para la edad y la grave reducción de la masa muscular, aun en niños con sobrepeso u obesidad, parecen ser consecuencias de un proceso adaptativo inevitable frente a las condiciones adversas de vida.
Geology of the Río de la Plata and the surrounding areas of Argentina and Uruguay related to the evolution of the Atlantic margin. An integrated study of geological and geophysical data of the Río de la Plata region and its relation to the evolution of the Atlantic passive margin is herein described. This characterization is based on the available geological and geophysical information and on the correlation of the southern end of the best-known Santa Lucía Basin in Uruguay to the Salado Basin in Argentinaand their connection through the Quilmes Trough.
Furthermore, a new Meso-Cenozoic depocenter is characterized and identified as Recalada Trough, subparallely aligned to the Quilmes Trough and separated from it by the Magdalena-Montevideo High. This suggests an evolution from a triple junction where interconnected extensional arms developed, which have had common Mesozoic tectosedimentary histories related to the early opening of the Atlantic Ocean.
Based on the geophysical and geological evidence, the previously accepted existence in the Río de la Plata of a first-order structural feature along the international border between Argentina and Uruguay, associated to an ENE-WSW trending tectonic high, identified as Martín Chicas en foz do iguacu weather july, is unjustified.
The tectonic evolution of the Atlantic margin chicas en foz do iguacu weather july front of the Río de la Plata estuary is the consequence of a long deformation history starting in the Precambrian up to recent times. Each Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic scenario adds different weak trends on the continental crust, which control the evolution of the sedimentary depocenters.
The presence of these tectosedimentary records influence the bathymetric control of the Río de la Plata and the dynamics of the recent estuarine deposits. The Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary infill is estimated to comprise considerable ranges of sandstones and conglomerates associated with faulted blocks of the crystalline basement, with expected petrophysical conditions oscillating in.
The collection of fungal pathogens and symbionts of insects and other arthropods of the Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores, La PlataArgentinais unique because it preserves in vivo and in vitro cultures of fungal pathogens. This culture collection is open for research, teaching, consulting services, and strain deposit.
Fungi were isolated from insects, other arthropods, and soil by using insect baits and selective media. Most of the strains are native of Argentina. En este contexto, el artículo interroga los enfoques subculturalistas, donde el indie es un ethos o una actitud, y las perspectivas bourdieanas, para las cuales el indie es un recurso de distinción.
Así, el artículo describe al indie de la ciudad de La Plata en sus vinculaciones específicas: con la universidad, con los lugares de performance, con las nuevas tecnologías, con la ciudad, con los instrumentos musicales. Para concluir, afirma que estos elementos deben incorporarse al estudio de las identificacione s musicales. Sewage impact on the composition and distribution of Polychaeta associated to intertidal mussel beds of the Mar del Plata rocky shore, Argentina.
Full Text Available The polychaete composition and distribution within mussel beds were studied in order to assess organic pollution due to domestic sewage in a rocky shore of Mar del Plata Argentina during Four stations and a control site were randomly sampled around the local effluent. Quantitative data on polychaetes, as well as sediment accumulated among mussels and its organic carbon content were measured.
Polychaete distribution patterns are related to the organic matter gradient, being Capitella cf. At medial distances, the cirratulids Caulleriella alata Southern, and Cirratulus cirratus Müller, are very important in abundance. The syllids Syllis prolixa Ehlers, and S. The orbiniid Protoariciella uncinata Hartmann-Schröder, is subdominant at the control station.
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivos contribuir al conocimiento de la Gestión Integral de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos de la ciudad de Mar del Plata y analizar la revalorización de los mismos en el Circuito Formal CF de recuperación bajo el enfoque de Cadena de Valor, visualizando a sus principales actores y su poder y control dentro de la cadena.
Como resultado se evidencia una baja productividad de la planta como componente de GIRSU y un rol débil como eslabón dentro la cadena de valor de residuos sólidos urbanos.
Samples were taken from suspended soils exhibiting unequal detritus concentrations. The overall sample included 17 oribatid species, exhibiting Cultroribula sp. Seventy percent of the recorded species are representative of the arboricole environment. Environmental modulation of the plankton community composition and size-structure along the eutrophic intertidal coast of the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina.
Full Text Available In this study we investigated the spatial distribution of the plankton community, bacterio- phyto- and zooplankton, in relation with environmental conditions along the intertidal coast of the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina. Plankton was analyzed in terms of species composition, abundance, biomass carbon content and size-structure. We aim to evaluate the potential effects of anthropogenic impacts e. We asked whether the natural structuring of the plankton by salinity and turbidity, known to be true of estuaries, is modified by eutrophication along the studied shoreline.
We found that the density and biomass of bacteria and phytoplankton were strikingly enhanced by high eutrophication levels along the intertidal southwest coast of the Río de la Plata estuary. We also found that the highest zooplankton density in the most polluted area but the biomass showed a different distribution pattern.
Nevertheless, when zooplankton was analyzed by means of its size fraction, we accordingly found that the microzooplankton biomass was positively associated with smaller-size phytoplankton groups and the most polluted study sites. Copepods were the major taxonomic groups that best represented the mesozooplankton biomass. We therefore expected that its distribution was modulated by the presence of its food items i.
In contrast, we found that the highest biomass of copepods occurred at the innermost site of the estuary and we found no significant association with other planktonic groups. Overall, this study highlights the noteworthy impacts of human activities modifying the functioning of this coastal ecosystem. The differences found in the taxonomic composition and size structure of the planktonic community assemblage between the most.
Visits to La Plata Observatory. There is a nice guesthouse at the Observatory that can be used, for a couple of days or so, by astronomers interested in visiting the Observatory and delivering talks on their research work to the Argentine colleagues.
No payments can, however, be made at present. La Plata is at 60 km from Buenos Aires. Those interested should contacl: Sr Decano Prof. Cesar A. Full Text Available This study describes the macrofaunal assemblages of subtidal rocky reefs off Mar del Plata in order to compare the macro invertebrate assemblages settled on shipwrecks with those of nearby reef sand to characterize the fish fauna associated with natural NR and artificial AR reefs.
Topographic characterizations and surveys of invertebrates and fishes were performed in November and Decemberusing SCUBA diving. A non-parametric multivariate analysis was used to analyze the environmental and biological data.
The reefs were mainly distinguished by their depth and the position of the substrate. The red calcareous algae, Corallina officinalis, dominated the shallowest NR, whereas conspicuous mytilid assemblages of Mytilus platensis were present at depths over 3 m, sea anemones, Anthothoe chilensis, were more abundant between 6 and 10 m, and the soft coral, Tripalea clavaria, was found at nearly 20 m depth.
No differences were found between horizontal ARs and the adjacent NRs. The greatest differences were found between the communities of vertical and horizontal substrates, both in NRs and ARs. Fifteen fish species were recorded in the analyzed area.
Species having strong site fidelity, e. This pioneer study in the surveyed area showed that reef sallow the settlement of diverse benthic assemblages.
ARs also provide refuge for fishes. As sport fishing and diving are activities being carried out in Mar del Platawhere tourism is one of the main economic resources, the protection of such areas should be considered in conservation plans. Se describió la macrofauna de los arrecifes rocosos sublitorales, frente a Mar del Platapara comparar las asociaciones de macro-invertebrados de los pecios con las de los arrecifes aledaños y caracterizar la fauna de peces tanto en los arrecifes naturales NR como artificiales AR.
Detrital zircons from samples of five Neo proterozoic sandstone units deposited on Uruguay and Argentina : about evolution of paleographic Rio de la Plata craton. Gaucher, C. Quartz-arenites of the Piedras de Afilar Formation show typical Transamazonian ages, with peaks at chicas en foz do iguacu weather july.
Nota: seleccione una región antes de buscar un país. Foz do Iguaçu Weather. Síganos en Mapa del tiempo de Foz do Iguaçu - Lugares cercanos. +-. Article (PDF Available) · June with 59 Reads . vecinas de Foz do Iguaçu en Brasil y Boyle, J. () Climate Change Adaptation.
However, the most chicas en foz do iguacu weather july zircon population is Mesoproterozoic, showing maxima at 1. Zircons recovered from two sandstone levels in the Arroyo del Soldado Group Yerbal and Cerros San Francisco formations are mostly Archean in age, with maxima at 3. Palaeoproterozoic zircons are also prominent in this unit, with peaks at 2. Sandstones of the Villa Monica Formation show a unimodal zircon population of Transamazonian age peak at 2.
Sandstones of the Cerro Largo Formation are characterized by a dominant Transamazonian zircon population peaks at 2. The abundance of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons is surprising. A proto-Andean, Mesoproterozoic belt is suggested as the source of the Mesoproterozoic detritus.
The sinistral reactivation of the Sarandi del Yi Shear Zone in the Cambrian, as a result of tangential collision of the Cuchilla Dionisio-Pelotas Terrane, may explain this observations.
The absence of Neoproterozoic zircons shows that the studied units were deposited in a stable continental margin opening to the East and South. These Neoproterozoic basins had obviously no contribution whatsoever from Brasiliano-Pan African belts, supporting the chicas en foz do iguacu weather july of Cambrian terrane. Oil spill in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina : 1. Biogeochemical assessment of waters, sediments, soils and biota.
Colombo, J. Total ALI levels ranged from 0. Offshore 1, 5, 15 km waters and sediments were little affected and contained low background hydrocarbon levels reflecting an effective wind-driven transport of the slick to the coast. Six months after the spill, coastal waters, sediments, soils and biota still presented very chicas en foz do iguacu weather july levels exceeding baseline concentrations by orders of magnitude.
The following paper present the results of the study of the progress of hydrocarbon disappearance in sediments and soils 13 and 42 months after the spill. La flora examinada contiene especies vegetales que se corresponden con géneros y 82 familias. Las familias mejor representadas son Asteraceae y Poaceae que tienen en conjunto chicas en foz do iguacu weather july y especies. Floristic catalogue. For this we used a floristic list of 89 plant communities, distributed in 14 vegetation types, 5 vegetation belts and 3 phytogeographic units.
For each of the species, its distribution in the groups of plant communities, phytogeographic position, life form, biogeographical origin, and registration of each collection was considered. The studied flora has species, corresponding to genera and 82 families.
There are 8 Pteridophyta, 1 Gymnospermae, and 73 Angiospermae, chicas en foz do iguacu weather july which 12 are Monocotyledons and 61 Dicotyledons. The most represented families are Asteraceae and Poaceae, which in total have genera and species. The most species. En este trabajo buscamos identificar y analizar las representaciones sobre Chagas de los integrantes del equipo de salud de un centro de atención periurbano de la ciudad de La PlataArgentina.
Benthic communities on hard substrates covered by Limnoperna fortunei Dunker Bivalvia, Mytilidae at an estuarine beach Río de la PlataArgentina. Full Text Available The structure and composition of benthic communities on hard substrates covered by the nonindigenous bivalve Limnoperna fortunei Dunker, the golden mussel, were quantified in the middle zone of the Río de la Plata Estuary Argentina from April through March A total of 26 taxa were recorded.
The prevalence of L. The golden mussel alters both the structure and function of benthic native communities on hard substrates, allows a higher surface available for colonization and refuge, and provides food source to deposit-feeding organisms in the form of organic or residual material. The mussel also increases the abundance and diversity of taxa on hard substrata - such as Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Tardigrada, Chironomidae, Copepoda, Tanaidacea, and Hydrachnidia.
Similarities and nonparametric multidimensional-scaling analyses indicated that the benthic composition had a seasonal variation. IQ Gains in Argentina between and The literature on IQ gains in Latin America is sparse. The gains are robust at the top of the curve as well as at the bottom.
Therefore, they are contrary to the hypothesis that nutrition played a major role in recent Argentine IQ gains. Sewage-induced disturbance on polychaetes inhabiting intertidal mussel beds of Brachidontes rodriguezii off Mar del Plata SW Atlantic, Argentina. Full Text Available Continuous and short-term disturbances are produced on intertidal Brachidontes rodriguezii mussel beds by the sewage outfall of Mar del PlataChicas en foz do iguacu weather july Atlantic.
The effects on the associated polychaetes living on and between mussels were investigated, in both the spatial and short-term temporal scales. Multivariate methods show that the polychaete fauna was influenced by tidal level, total amount of sediment accumulated between mussels, distance from the sewage outfall, organic carbon of interstitial sediments, and sewage volume before and after the summer season. Environmental variables in the water column fitted with a spatial and temporal organic gradient.
Cirratulus sp. Syllis prolixa, S. Close to the outfall mussel density and dominance is low, and opportunist polychaetes successfully colonize organically enriched interstitial sediments. At intermediate distances from the outfall sediments retained by mussels reach their maximum values, and density of polychaetes is also high.
The control station is characterized by monolayered mussel beds and very low diversity of polychaetes. Opportunistic polychaetes increase in response to short-term increases of sewage discharge during the summer season November-March. Water samples were collected during 3 years — at three sampling sites in the Rio de la Plata estuary. Thirteen biological, physical, and chemical parameters were determined on the water samples.
The presence of microcystin-LR in the reservoir samples, and also in domestic water samples, was confirmed and quantified. Microcystin-LR concentration ranged between 0.
Principal components analysis was used to identify the factors promoting cyanobacteria growth. The observed fluctuating patterns of Microcystis aeruginosa, total coliforms, and Microcystin-LR were also described by probabilistic models based on the log-normal and extreme value distributions.
The sampling sites were compared in terms of the distribution parameters and the probability of observing high concentrations for Microcystis aeruginosa, total coliforms, and microcystin-LR concentration. Full Text Available This paper presents partial results of an ongoing study whose objective is to map the approaches and theoretical trends in the educational policy theoretical field.
More specifically, this study characterizes and describes the theoretical trends of the subject Educational Policy contents in the 50s of the last century in the Buenos Aires and La Plata Federal Universities.
Later on, chicas en foz do iguacu weather july theoretical trends that permeated the programs from to had more distinct shades of positivism and anti-positivism than those of the beginning of the century, and three axes were observed: the national tradition, the pedagogical progressivism and the Spanish Krausism.
La cobertura algal, la exposición al oleaje y el tiempo de inmersión varió de manera significativa entre estratos y entre meses. La morfometría de las quelas no manifestó diferencias entre sexos. Si bien existió la heteroquelia, no se detectó lateralidad. Las tallas ancho de caparazón estuvieron comprendidas entre 0. La densidad de organismos varió entre meses y entre los estratos.
La madurez morfométrica de las hembras fue registrada a los 4. The aim of this study was to describe an outbreak of Shigella sonnei that occurred in the city of Lujan, Buenos Aires, Argentinain July chicas en foz do iguacu weather july Five individuals were affected after eating a hand-made Viennese-style pastry at a family gathering. All of them presented with fever, joint pain, chills and non-bloody diarrhea containing mucus.
Stool cultures were performed in all cases and the samples taken from the pastry ingredients were analyzed microbiologically. The isolates were analyzed for determining the antimicrobial susceptibility and genetic profiles by pulsed field gel electrophoresis PFGE.
The results showed the genetic relationship among the isolates, confirming that the cases occurred due to the patients' exposure to the same source of infection, i. Being the almond cream an industrially-manufactured ingredient, an initial contamination could have been unlikely; however contamination might have occurred as a result of manipulation in the bakery.
To classify the study population in the Argentinian National Health Surveillance System framework, determine the proportion of infection by Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis, and identify factors associated with the cases of suspected whooping cough attended to in the city of Mar del Plata and its outskirts during the period An observational and descriptive study was carried out. Clinical cases with suspicion of whooping cough were diagnosed by laboratory.
Por debajo de -0,2 MPa la germinación disminuyó significativamente.
Las semillas de J. Luego de 48 meses se observó un alto porcentaje de germinación de las semillas de la especie. Justicia squarrosa is a forage species that lives in different natural communities in Chaco Arido, where it is an important component of cattle diet in unfavourable drought periods.
The aim of this work was to study the factors affecting seed germination in J. Different temperature regimes, light quality and water potential were considered. Seed germination capacity along time was also evaluated. Justicia squarrosa seed germination was conditioned by factors such as temperature and water potential. Seed germination decreased significantly below Justicia squarrosa seeds did not chicas en foz do iguacu weather july to light treatments. After 48 months the percentage of seed germination was high.
The results found in this article provide valuable information that will help to. Especially for High School Teachers. Lawrence and Stuart Fishelson, p A Author Recognition A new program has been instituted to recognize high school teachers who are authors or coauthors of manuscripts published in the Journal.
In May, letters were sent to teachers who wrote articles published in JCE beginning with Volume 74 If you were an author, you should have received a letter from us in late May or early June stating that your high school principal has been sent a Certificate of High Chicas en foz do iguacu weather july Author Recognition to be presented to you at a suitable occasion. Because the letters were sent late in the school year, you may not see the certificate until fall, or you may not receive your letter until then if we had only your school address.
If you have authored or coauthored an article published in JCE and did not receive a letter, please contact me using the information about the Secondary School Chemistry Editor appearing on the Information Page in this issue. Syllabus Swap In the August issue, this column contained an invitation to exchange high school syllabi.
The day after my copy of the August issue arrived, I received an email from a teacher indicating an interest in participating in an exchange. If you are interested, check the August " Especially for High School Chemistry Teachers" column for a brief discussion of the informal exchange program, or contact me.
As I have mentioned in this column previously, research conducted by students is one means of accomplishing this goal. An Enzyme at Work is another useful resource. It can be used in any classroom where kinetics, catalysis, proteins, or enzymes are discussed. Because most high school students complete at least one year chicas en foz do iguacu weather july biology before enrolling in chemistry, developing the connections between biology and chemistry can be especially productive.
Connections between chemistry and biology often seem to be more real to students than do many of the phenomena we cite as applications. For example, students often are not able to make the connection between the excitation of electrons to produce electromagnetic radiation and anything that is personally relevant. The light given off by sodium or mercury vapor lights provides a common example of relating atomic emission to a useful process, but many students do not seem to find that particularly interesting.
The need to make a connection between biology and chemistry becomes especially meaningful to students when the chemical change occurs within the human body. As an example, the interaction of emitted electromagnetic radiation with human cells to cause well-tanned skin seems more relevant to a greater number chicas en foz do iguacu weather july students than the color of lights in a parking lot.
This issue contains an article that describes a useful application of light to kill cancer cells through use of photosensitizers p The process of photodynamic therapy PDT provides another example that could help students make a connection between the emission of electromagnetic radiation and the challenge of killing cancer cells without harming healthy cells.
Certainly this example is not a magic. The Nobel Prize in chemistry and the research that led to the awards are discussed in an article beginning on p An account of the winners appeared in last January's issue 5providing the basis for another convenient chicas en foz do iguacu weather july file. Water droplets on a surface of Magic Sand. For many students electrochemistry is among the least favorite of the topics included in first- or second-year high school chemistry - despite the many interesting applications that students encounter every day.
There are many reasons why students find the topic difficult, but misconceptions about current flow seem to present the largest obstacle to developing a conceptual understanding of electrochemical processes.
Two university faculty members and a high school teacher, Huddle, White, and Rogers, have developed a teaching model to help students confront and overcome their misconceptions pp They have conducted studies of the impact of the model's use on student learning in both high school and introductory college chemistry courses.
Particularly encouraging were the learning gains made by students with weak academic backgrounds. An action research project focused on student perspectives of small-group learning is described by Towns, Kreke, and Fields pp Although the project involved upper-division undergraduate university students, action research can be useful to any chemistry teacher who wishes to systematically examine and improve instructional methods and strategies.
This article may be especially interesting to readers who frequently employ small-group learning techniques in their classroom. Advances in the technology of multimedia delivery are having an impact on the format in which new JCE Software releases are available.
In particular, CD-ROM and Internet browsers are becoming increasingly important as the medium and method of access respectively. To better understand what is. Block scheduling has brought an end to the minute period in many classrooms, but the experiment is valid and potentially useful in providing experience with real-world samples.
With the coming of December days are shorter and nights are longer, and for many readers in the United States and Canada winter weather has set in. If you have been thinking about writing an article for JCE perhaps now is a good chicas en foz do iguacu weather july to be doing it. I would like to call your attention to four feature columns designed especially for high school teachers: Click on "Features" in the left-hand frame on your screen.
All these editors will be happy to discuss your ideas for an article.
Colors to Dye for: For some of us, location is fairly unimportant; but for most of us travel costs and time are both factors to consider when choosing a conference. The community of high school chemistry teachers is favored by the number of national conventions and conferences that are held each year in different locations.
The event will be held on Sunday to minimize conflicts with the beginning of the school year. Members of the editorial staff will be on hand to talk with you. The free hands-on workshop is number WT11 and we encourage you to include it among your choices in the blanks provided on the third page of the registration form. We will also conduct an interactive session to listen to ideas for making the Journal more useful to you. Check the final program for location and time or inquire at the JCE.
Of the four species originally cited for central Chile, C. Comparative rbcL sequence analysis corroborates the distinction of these taxa from central-south Chile and their relationships to other species worldwide. De las cuatro especies citadas para Chile central, C. Alimentación de dos especies de anfibios Anura: Hylidae en la estación de bajas temperaturas y su relación con la acumulación de energía en Santa Fe, Argentina. Full Text Available Existe escasa información sobre la alimentación de las especies de anfibios activas durante la estación fría o las estrategias de utilización de reservas lipídicas como fuente de energía durante el periodo de bajas temperaturas.
Por lo tanto, se analizaron las estrategias de obtención y acumulación energética durante la estación de bajas temperaturas en un anfibio que se reproduce principalmente en otoño-invierno, Hypsiboas pulchellus Hp, y uno que lo hace en primavera-verano, Dendropsophus nanus Dn. Para ello se analizó la alimentación de ambas especies y se utilizó el peso de los cuerpos grasos CG como indicador del desarrollo de las reservas energéticas.
Si bien se encontró una elevada similitud en la dieta entre las especiesesto no implicó la ausencia de diferencias en las estrategias de obtención energética entre ellas. Por otro lado, el índice de vacuidad de Dn fue mayor al de Hp, mientras que sus CG se encontraron bien desarrollados, por lo que esta especie utilizaría en mayor medida sus reservas lipídicas como fuente de energía para transitar el período de bajas temperaturas y llegar en buenas condiciones a la temporada reproductiva en la próxima primavera-verano.
Near-shore distribution of phyllosomas of the two only lobster species Decapoda: These preliminary results represent a pioneering effort to understand the mechanisms driving the endemism and extreme isolation of the two study species.
Igual que la mayoría de las especies de langostas estas atraviesan por un prolongado período larval, el cual es particularmente largo para J. Si bien es sabido que el asentamiento se encuentra confinado a las tres islas que componen el archipiélago Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk y Santa Clara e Islas Desventuradas aprox. El objetivo de este estudio es doble. En general las filosomas de A.
Full Text Available O propósito deste estudo foi verificar o comportamento de moldes de polissulfeto Permlastic e poliéter Impregum Soft obtidos por meio da técnica do casquete de resina acrílica. Os moldes de cada material foram vazados com gessos pedra IV Vel-mix e gesso pedra V Exadur, perfazendo um total de quatro combinações experimentais: Expanding the distribution of two species of mosquitoes Diptera: Culicidae in Argentina and notes on their bionomics Ampliación de la distribución de dos especies de mosquitos Diptera: Culicidae en Argentina y notas sobre su bionomía.
Ele é dirigido a pais cujos filhos sejam portadores de um Retardo de Linguagem de qualquer etiologia. Neste trabalho usamos os princípios desses métodos adaptando-os ao contexto escolar.
See, Wait and Listen Programs, both of them. Full Text Available En numerosas zonas el pastoreo extensivo se ha visto como una amenaza para la conservación de la vegetación. Sin embargo, los herbívoros tienen un papel fundamental en el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas y sus efectos sobre las comunidades vegetales son complejos y específicos para cada zona.
Por tanto, es necesario estudiar el efecto de estos herbívoros sobre cada tipo de vegetación. En el presente trabajo se analiza la respuesta a corto plazo, de 2 especies de matorral Bouvardia erecta y Justicia candicans, una de ellas en estado crítico de conservación, a la exclusión de ganado mediante cercados.
Los resultados muestran que en tan sólo unos meses, las plantas protegidas dentro de los cercados presentaron una mayor cobertura que las situadas fuera.
In many areas of the planet extensive grazing has been considered as a limitation to the conservation of vegetation. However, herbivores have a fundamental role in maintaining ecosystems and their effects on plant communities are complex and specific. Therefore, studies that analyzed the effect of these herbivores on vegetation are needed. In this study we analyze the response, in the short time, of 2 species of shrubs, one of them in critical state of conservation, to the exclusion of livestock with 3 enclosures.
The results show that, in just a few months, the plants included in the enclosures were greater major canopy area than plants outside enclosures. Full Text Available Las hormigas forrajeras Atta spp. En la actualidad, no se cuenta con una estrategia efectiva de manejo de esta plaga.
La mayoría de productos disponibles comercialmente son muy poco efectivos, dejan residuos en el ambiente y tienen un precio alto para los pequeños agricultores. La presente investigación se propuso evaluar diferentes ingredientes en la preparación de granulados que presenten alto nivel de acarreo y potencial para la incorporación de ingredientes activos con efecto biológico contra el hongo simbiótico que cultivan las hormigas forrajeras. A los mejores formulados se incorporó extracto de Azadirachta indica neem, 3 cepas de Trichoderma spp.
Se concluye que el formulado con citropulpa como atrayente es una base apropiada para la incorporación de ingredientes activos con efecto biológico contra el hongo simbiótico y tiene. Hylidae en la estación de bajas temperaturas y su relación con la acumulación de energía en Santa Fe, Argentina Feeding of two amphibian species Anura: Hylidae during the low temperatures season and its relationship with energy storage in Santa Fe, Argentina.
Even though, a few species remain active during the cold season, such as Hypsiboas pulchellus that has its reproductive peak during the autumn-winter period and the consequent energy demand. The objective of this study. O presente estudo teve por objetivo comparar a presença de indicadores de burnout em três grupos de professores que atuam no primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental: Os resultados, que foram organizados em forma de Figuras e Tabelas, revelam que, de maneira geral, os grupos apresentaram relativa similaridade.
Entretanto, algumas diferenças foram encontradas. The practice of teaching is permeated by adverse working conditions, low wages, inadequacy of material and teaching resources, overcrowded classrooms, tension in relationships with the students, excessive work load, lack of safety in chicas en foz do iguacu weather july school environment, insignificant participation.
Fatty acids and astaxanthin composition of two edible native Mexican crayfish Cambarellus C. The content and composition of the fatty acids F As and astaxanthin AST in the edible forms of crayfish: The exoskeleton EXK of P. Unsaturated FAs, and mostly oleic acid C The contents of the polyunsaturated eicosapentaenoic C We conclude that both C. The EXK of P. Adicionalmente, se estudió el exosqueleto EXK de P. En ambas formas comestibles predominaron los AGs insaturados. C montezumae p Los ésteres de AST en C.
Se concluyó que tanto C. Neste artigo apresentamos chicas en foz do iguacu weather july abordagem alternativa feita por Bondi para a teoria da relatividade especial. Full Text Available La actividad de polinizadores puede ser afectada por factores bióticos e. En este estudio comparamos las tasas de visita a flores de polinizadores realizadas sobre poblaciones de exposición norte y oeste, en Chaetanthera apiculata 3.
Se estudiaron los sistemas de reproducción de ambas especies para determinar su nivel de dependencia de un agente de polinización externo. La tasa de visitas de Faunula leucoglene fue afectada por la temperatura en C.
Ambas especies chicas en foz do iguacu weather july, C. You and Your Sexuality. There are many ways to express sexuality. Sexual intercourse is one way. Others include masturbationFull Text Available El guaje Leucaena spp. El valor nutricional y nutracéutico del guaje se desconoce pese a su consumo vigente en las poblaciones rurales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el contenido de minerales, compo - nentes nutricionales y antioxidantes para contribuir a la revalorización alimentaria del guaje rojo L.
Los contenidos de antocianinas, flavonoides, fenoles totales, taninos y actividad antioxidante se cuantificaron, así como la composición proximal y mineral. Las semillas de guaje rojo superaron a las de guaje verde en los contenidos de N, Mg, Mn, P y Zn; en contraste, las semillas de guaje verde presentaron niveles mayores de Na y de Chicas en foz do iguacu weather july.
El contenido de fibra cruda fue El alto contenido de compuestos fenólicos fue mayor en las semillas frescas de guaje rojo 1, La elevada actividad secuestradora de radicales libres En conclusión, las semillas de guaje podrían considerarse un alimento funcional, principalmente las de guaje rojo debido a su calidad nutricional y mayor actividad antioxidante.
Efectos del cromo hexavalente y un carbamato sobre dos especies de cladoceros. Full Text Available The effect of a carbamate and a heavy metal was evaluated on survival, sexual maturation and fertility of the acuatic cladocerans Daphnia magna and Daphnia obtusa. Alcute toxicity -LC50 and chronic toxicity-CV values were determined. Nuevos rangos altitudinales para dos especies de la avifauna de Nicaragua. We document the elevational range expansions of two Nicaraguan bird species, scaled pigeon Patagioenas speciosa and collared plover Charadrius collaris.
The previously reported elevational range of Patagioenas speciosa was sea level to m. We observed the species in shade coffee at Chicas en foz do iguacu weather july Maura farm at an elevation of masl. Historically, the second species, Pujadas "Oronbanchaceae"especie nueva. Pujadas Orobanchaceaeespecie.
Se destacan sus caracteres morfológicos que permiten diferenciarlo claramente de O. Autonomia profissional dos professores. Los resultados incluyen los primeros recuentos de S. Fueron analizados los cariotipos de todas las especiestrece de ellos se describen por primera vez.
Esto fue también evidente en las dos accesiones de S. Composición química y degradación de cuatro especies de Pennisetum sp. Full Text Available La capacidad de degradación de los pastos de corte en la Costa, constituye una alternativa a la demanda de gramíneas para la alimentación de rumiantes.
Se utilizó la técnica de las bolsas de nylon y se empleó un diseño de bloques al azar con un arreglo factorial 4x3 especies forrajeras x edad de corte. Editorial — 2 — Especial Eventos. Distribución e identificación de especies hospedantes de Heterodera glycines Ichinohe raza 3 en el Valle del Cauca. Full Text Available Se dividió la parte plana del Valle del Cauca en chicas en foz do iguacu weather july zonas norte, centro y sur, habiéndose visitado 33 fincas.
En la zona norte las malezas con mayor porcentaje de frecuencia y distribución en los cultivos de soya fueron Digitaria horizontalis, Echinochloa colonum y Leptochloa filiformis; en la zona centro Ipomoea hirta, Amaranthus dubius y Echinochloa colonum y en la zona sur predominaron Ipomoea hirta, Portulaca oleracea Cyperus rotundus.
Entre las especies evaluadas malezas, cultivos, leguminosas forrajeras y silvestres, solamente Glycine max y Phaseolus vulgaris se consideraron como susceptibles a H. A nematode recognition of Heterodera glycines was focused on crops of soybean.
Valle del Cauca was divided in three zones northen, central and southern and 33 farms were visited. The results of the analysis on samples of soils and roots showe that Heterodera glycines is scattered throughout Valle del Cauca, being the southern zone Palmira, Candelaria and Puerto Tejada the one having the highest standards in nematode population.
Weeds showing a greater frequency percentage were: Digitaria horizontalis, Echinochloa colonum and Leptochloa filiformis, in the northen zone; Ipomoea hirta, Amaranthus dubius and Echinochloa colonum, in the central zone, and Ipomoea hirta, Portulaca oleracea and Cyperus rotundus, in the southern zoneFrom among the whole species evaluated weeds, crops, leguminous a n d fodder plants, Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris were considered to be susceptible to H.
Phaseolus angularis y P. Problems especially relating to sea water condensers. Sea water forms a nearly unlimited cold source well adapted to the open circuit cooling of large nuclear power plants.
As a counter-part, its physico-chemical and biological characteristics generally require complicated arrangements for preventing: Indeed, certain materials used in modern plants very badly suffer any introduction of salted water into the cycle steam-water mixture: Nuevas especies de Axonopus Poaceae: Paniceae de la Amazonia Colombiana.
The new species are known only from the savannas and sandstone plateau of Colombian northwest Amazonia. Se describen dos nuevas especies de Axonopus, A. Full Text Available There is an absence of drought tolerant herbaceous perennial forage legume and herb options other than lucerne Medicago sativa L. Therefore, a collection of forage perennial legume and herb entries from species and 32 genera was evaluated for adaptation in a diverse range of Mediterranean climatic environments in Southern Australia.
The seasonal rainfall distribution varied from moderately to highly winter dominant with long term average annual rainfall ranging from to mm. The entries were rated for productivity and persistence over 3 yr. The 12 entries identified as the most promising for winter, summer, or all-year round production included Bituminaria bituminosa L. Grimes; Dorycnium hirsutum L. These entries maintained production and persisted for the period of the evaluation, with the exception of C.
The potential role of these species in extensive grazing systems in Mediterranean climatic zones, their attributes and limitations, and current progress in developing them as useful forage plants was discussed. Por lo tanto, una colección de leguminosas perennes y hierbas correspondientes a especies y 32 géneros fue evaluada por su adaptaci.
Lampornis amethystinus, una especie a incluir en los listados avifaunísticos de Tlaxcala. Full Text Available Presentamos los primeros registros del colibrí garganta amatista Lampornis amethystinus para el estado de Tlaxcala. Diversidad y educación especial. Full Text Available This article discusses diversity and special education, emphasizing the relevance of respect for equal opportunities as well as for values and attitudes within the school context.
In spite of the fact that schools have improved in these aspects throughout the years, there is still lot of work to do in order to transform our schools in inclusive institutions. Special attention is given to people with Down Syndrome who are integrated to the Regular System; students with dreams and illusions who participate in different integrated programs providing an example of tenacity.
Furthermore, several pre-school integration centers were visited and a lot of necessities of attention to the general population were detected. Accordingly, this is a useful article to educators, especially those who work with pre-schooled children. Dos chalets, en Suecia. Full Text Available Villa Engström, at Sorunda This house, of semi-spheric shape, has besically only one floor level, without basement. However, the guest room and the attic are a kind of second floor within the cupula. This is an experiment, with a view to the possible mass construction of this prototype.
The various rooms are grouped in two blocks, one comprising the bedrooms, which are cellular type and of minimum size, and the bathrooms; the chicas en foz do iguacu weather july includes the children's room, a living room which extends into the vestibule, and guest room at a higher level. Villa Ström, near Stockholm This house is practically cube shaped, with ample terraces, which are structurally independent of the central volume.
A principal aim has been to obtain fine views in all directions, and also to take advantage of the ground slope. This house, of original and competent design, includes indoor gardens which add colour and life to the rooms. Se trata de una experiencia con vistas a una posible fabricación en serie.
Las diferentes chicas en foz do iguacu weather july se hallan agrupadas en dos bloques: En todo caso, ha dominado la doble preocupación de conseguir magníficas vistas hacia todos los alrededores y una adaptación total a la pendiente del terreno.
La vivienda se ha resuelto con maestría y originalidad, procurando zonas. Renovación de pasturas degradadas de kikuyo Pennisetum clandestinum, Hoechst, con labranza mínima en una región alto andina de Colombia I. Full Text Available Se utilizaron tres métodos de renovación de pasturas degradadas: La capacidad de carga en los métodos con labranza mínima se estimó en 2.
En los métodos sin labranza mínima fue de 0. Three methods of renewal of degraded pastures were used Kikuyo without minimum tillage of pasture, KSLM; Kikuyo with minimum tillage, KLM and Kikuyo with minimum tillage more the application of chemical fertilization and clovers seeds, KLMFS, in rainy period and dry off; as a control it was included the traditional method of forage management in the farm T.
The load capacity in the methods with minimum farm you estimates in 2. In the methods without minimum farm was of 0. Química de especies del genero espeletia Espeletia killipii - Espeletia tunjana.
Full Text Available De las partes aéreas de 2 especies del género Espeletia se aislaron compuestos del chicas en foz do iguacu weather july diterpeno Acido -i-Kaur-9 11, dienoico, el -Kaurenol, los terpenos friedeiina, sitosterol-estigmasterol, y dos sesquiterpenlactonas del tipo melampólido, Acetato de Longipilin y Polimatin B.
Del extracto etanólico se identificaron dos flavonoides: Se analizan diversos aspectos relativos a la clasificación, la nomenclatura, las afinidades genéricas y la variación macro y micromorfológica de los caracteres, así como algunos aspectos anatómicos de la espiguilla y el antecio superior.
Calvulae una especieDigitaria sect. Digitaria siete especiesDigitaria sect. Ischaemum tres especiesDigitaria sect. Ternatae cuatro especies y Digitaria sect. Dos especies son endémicas de Colombia Digitaria cardenasiana y Digitaria andicola.
Las especies Digitaria argillacea, Digitaria neesiana y Digitaria fragilis se excluyen de la flora de Colombia. Se documenta la presencia de espiguillas trifloras en el género Digitaria, situación observada en las especies Digitaria dioica y Digitaria nuda. Nueva especie de Sauria: Iguanidae Lagarto Collarejo de la zona sur andina de Colombia. The presence of Stenocercus guentheri, group lizards in the southern Departamento de Nariño is confirmed.
A new species of Stenocercus is described from the immediate surroundings of the town of Bolivar, Departamento del Cauca. Se confirma la presencia de poblaciones del grupo S. Se describe una especie chicas en foz do iguacu weather july de Stenocercus de los alrededores del Municipio de Bolívar en el Departamento del Cauca. Producción y composición bromatológica de la biomasa Evaluation of two Leucaena species, associated to Brachiaria brizantha and Clitoria ternatea in a silvopastoral system from Nayarit, Mexico: Biomass production and bromatological composition.
Full Text Available Con el objetivo de caracterizar la producción y la calidad nutricional de la biomasa en un sistema silvopastoril de la llanura costera norte del estado de Nayarit, México, se desarrolló la presente investigación. Se estimó la producción de biomasa y se determinó: Hubo diferencias significativas en la composición bromatológica en todas las combinaciones evaluadas.
No obstante, todas las especies mostraron características nutricionales adecuadas y constituyen una alternativa para los sistemas silvopastoriles tropicales en esta región.
This study was conducted with the objective of characterizing the biomass production and nutritional quality in a silvopastoral system of the northern coastal plain of the Nayarit state, Mexico. The biomass production was estimated and the following indicators were determined: The lowest values regarding biomass production, six months after. O ecologismo dos pobres. Su afinidad con la de Asia y las especies americanas es discutida. O Jardim dos Sonhos. Full Text Available O jardim dos sonhos sempre foi um ideal dos homens.
E na mitologia grega, um lindo jardim era palco das festas bucólicas dos deuses. As grandes religiões também citavam jardins como paraísos, como o Jardim do Éden. Dos novelas colombianas olvidadas.
Full Text Available Publication of two cupae from the ancient territory of Complutum. Full Text Available El artículo presenta un resumen de la teoría existente sobre capital humano, considerando dos proposiciones que se complementan: Se presenta el desarrollo de ambas teorías, los problemas que presentan y la complementariedad entre las mismas.
Morfología de las especies de Hyphessobrycon Characiformes: Characidae, grupo heterorhabdus, en Colombia. Se usaron 13 hitos homólogos tipo I y tres tipo II. Todas las especies se caracterizan por presentar crecimiento alométrico excepto Hyphessobrycon mavro con isometría entre los hitos Se plantean dos nuevas medidas discriminantes hocico-supraoccipital y supraoccipital-aleta pélvica para las especies del grupo.
En este artículo se analiza de manera específica la actuación de la unasur en dos casos de profunda gravedad institucional: Luego de analizar estos dos casos extremos, y las implicancias políticas generadas, se avanza en una visión comprensiva acerca del éxito o el fracaso del papel político de la unasur como instancia de resolución de conflictos a nivel chicas en foz do iguacu weather july. Dos estudios de casos.
Decisiones basadas en la intuición, o en corazonadas, frecuentemente conducen en dirección equivocada, ocasionando pérdidas en tiempo, personal y dinero.
Su ejecución debe hacerse secuencialmente y cumplir con cada uno de sus pasos. A sociedade dos vivos. Full Text Available A pergunta: Apontar alguns dos déficits da teoria social contemporânea e assinalar alguns caminhos para superar impasses da sociedade contemporânea resume a tentativa deste trabalho. The coexistence of species La coexistencia de especies. This provides additional support for the idea that competition has an important, but only partial structuring effect on biological communities.
Because coexistence is affected by competitive as well as non-competitive influences, both must be incorporated to develop accurate models, make useful predictions, and gain fuller understanding of the coexistence of species within ecological communitiesEste artículo es una síntesis critica de la literatura sobre la coexistencia de especies similares en comunidades ecológicas.
Se propone una estructura conceptual para dividir los estudios y conceptos sobre la coexistencia a tres escalas distintas de tiempo. Las primeras cuatro secciones revisan brevemente los estudios de división de recursos y los modelos de coexistencia en la literatura teórica, y discuten las contribuciones relativas de, y la interacción entre los enfoques empíricos y teóricos al estudio de la coexistencia en una meso-escala.
En las próximas dos secciones, se considera la importancia de compromisos biológicos y la competencia en la estructuración de comunidades ecológicas. Considerando la fuerte evidencia que presentan ambos bandos del debate sobre la competencia, se propone una organización conceptual de la estructura comunitaria en la cual los efectos de la competencia son importantes pero incompletos.
Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio taxonómico de las especies colombianas del géneroSchwartzia de la familia neotropical Marcgraviaceae. Se analizan diversos aspectosrelativos a la clasificación, la nomenclatura, las afinidades genéricas y la variaciónmorfológica de los caracteres.
De las seisespecies consideradas, dos se describen como nuevas: This excerpt adapted presents an analysis of interviews performed with three 3 deaf students about their perceptions and educational experiences in the context of educational institutions and special education.
Through this study it is confirmed that students are aware of some difficulties of special schools, besides feeling prejudiced because of these flaws.
The analysis of the interviews about some perceptions of deaf students on their chicas en foz do iguacu weather july experiences in special schools allowed identifying, through their reports, recurring events within the special school, which nfluence or even limit the quality of education for these students. La presencia de L. Se proveen descripciones e ilustraciones para L. DOS cones along atomic chains. Variations of the local density of states DOS along the chain are investigated.
They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains.
It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures DOS cones along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically. DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin-orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on chicas en foz do iguacu weather july substrate with localized electrons.
It is also shown that for imperfect chains e. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin—orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. Além das manifestações de piedade popular que se costuma estudar sob a rubrica de religiosidade popular peregrinações, festas de padroeiro, procissões Full Text Available En este trabajo, se hizo la caracterización morfométrica de las especies Criconemella onoensis Luc, Luc y Raski, ; Crieonema longulum Gunhold, y Mesocriconema peruense Steiner, Loof y De Grisse las cuales fueron encontradas en diferentes regiones del departamento de Antioquia.
La presencia de C. Una nueva especie de Burmeistera Campanulaceae de Colombia. Metodología para la evaluación del potencial insecticida de especies forestales.
Full Text Available La diversidad florística de Colombia plantea enormes retos de investigación, con miras a una utilización racional e integral de sus recursos forestales. Las plantas con efectos biocidas utilizables en el control de plagas o enfermedades revisten una singular importancia. La metodología plantea la siguiente secuencia: Also close to city centre and other amenities. If you want to visit cataratas falls, this is your hotel. Location: very close to the bus station to visit the waterfalls.
Comfortable beds. Low price compared to similar hotels in the area. There was no air condition in the room as the weather is very hot and humid during the summer season. The stuff did not speak any English or Spanish. Things are overpriced in Foz so in that context Villa Canoas is pretty good.
It would be overpriced in most other cities. This hotel is very close to the Bus station which makes getting to the National Park very easy. The Bus station has to bus to go to Argentina as well. The hotel had very nice decor and clean rooms. I would stay there again. The staff has been very kind to help us with our luggage issue.
El desayuno es su principal virtud. Muy limpio y ordenado. Volvería a alojarme en este hotel. Con niños chicos se chicas en foz do iguacu weather july el agua calientele avisamos al portero y hasta el día que nos retiramos no lo habían arreglado y dos veces me tuve que bañar con agua fría. Hotel sin ascensor y piscina.
Esta muy limpio y muy amables todos. Todo mu bien. No me gusto la atencion gerencial o administrativa por cuanto no les intereso hacernos conocer alternativas y atractivos, no nos acercaron mapas ni nos preguntaron absolutamente nada relacionado con nuestro proposito alli, no nos gustaron las habitaciones, muy chicas y basicas para el precio que cobran, no tiene ascensor, pensamos que no les importo que estuvieramos alli, ni que volvamos al hotel en otra oportunidad.
No obtuvimos un servicio personalizado de informacion, falta esa parte de atencion al cliente. Villa Canoas - Foz do Iguacu Republica ArgentinaFoz do Iguacu, Brazil show map.
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